Decisão do Comité Nacional da FEANI em 17/Fev/2009:
Proposal concerning qualifications in engineering and related European titles, approved unanimously by the Portuguese National Committee FEANI, on the 17th of February, 2009.
Proposta do Comité Nacional da FEANI relativamente às qualificações necessárias para aceder ao título Eur-Ing, aprovadas por unânimidade do Comité Nacional da FEANI no dia 17 de Fevereiro de 2009.
Carta do Presidente do CN Feani para o Comité Europeu da FEANI:
The Portuguese National Committee FEANI met on the 17th February and approved unanimously the enclosed proposal for changes in the EUR ING concept and titles.This, we believe, is in line with views already expressed by other members and as such we would like the issue to be raised in the short term in a Board Meeting with the aim of having it further discussed in the next General Assembly.